【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】北京2022年冬奥会谐和委员会 ...

2022-12-21 21:26| 发布者: 挖安琥| 查看: 231| 评论: 0

摘要: 北京2022年冬奥会谐和委员会最终讲演发布Almost 10 months after it closed to worldwide acclaim, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have received more recognition from the International Olympic Committee, w ...


Almost 10 months after it closed to worldwide acclaim, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have received more recognition from the International Olympic Committee, which acknowledged the safe and successful delivery of the event in its official final review. The IOC Coordination Commission for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics delivered its closing report during an IOC executive board meeting on Tuesday. The report said that the winter sports gala was an inspirational success for the exceptional sporting performances it delivered and the organizers' safe and smooth staging of the Games amid the challenging circumstances of a pandemic. The 69-page report, based on data analysis and debriefs with organizers and stakeholders, praised Beijing's sustainable practices. Shining examples that are expected to benefit the future of the Olympic Movement include reusing existing facilities — mostly 2008 Summer Games' venues — incorporating preparations for the event into urban development projects and planning for operation of the venues after the Games. Juan Antonio Samaranch, chair of the coordination commission, said in addition to delivering a safe and successful Games, the Beijing 2022 organizing committee's ambitious vision and promises were achieved and exceeded." As the Winter Games were hit by the COVID-19 outbreak midway through preparation, Chinese organizers made innovative efforts to jointly develop a "closed-loop" system with the IOC, the International Paralympic Committee, the World Health Organization and all stakeholders to ensure the Games opened on time. Other major legacies of Beijing 2022 include promoting winter sports participation among 346 million Chinese people in the lead-up to the Games and creating a burgeoning market for winter sports and related activities.

在举世注目的北京2022年冬奥会闭幕近10个月后, 国际奥委会北京2022年冬奥会谐和委员会在12月7日发布了最终讲演,细致引见了今年早些时分保险胜利举行冬奥会所取得的成就和阅历经验。 讲演剖析了2022年北京冬季奥运会如何为优秀的体育表演提供了平台,对当地社区产生了耐久的影响,并比以往任何一届冬季奥运会吸收了更多的人。 遗产和可持续性是该讲演的其他关键支柱。 从可持续展开的角度来看,奥运会上一切场馆初次运用了可再生能源。小萨马兰奇表示,北京冬奥会及冬残奥会在推进冰雪运动展开、场馆赛后应用、碳中和及水资源等可持续应用方面取得了庞大效果,疫情防控方面,北京冬奥组委与国际奥委会共同制定实施冬奥会防疫手册,实行全流程闭环管理,北京冬奥会及冬残奥会为国际奥委会日后的工作树立了标杆。人民大众特别是青少年参与冰雪运动热情持续高涨,参与人数抵达3.46亿, 冰雪配备制造等产业快速展开, 北京冬奥会推进了中国冰雪运动逾越式展开。


Beijing released new measures to help enterprises cope with the impact of Covid-19 on December 6. The new measures aim to further reduce business operating costs. One of the two new measures is to extend the housing provident fund suspension period, and the other is to help small and medium-sized enterprises settle account arrears. Three measures are introduced to step up financial support like providing 2-year discount interest support on loans for equipment purchase and renovation.



Restaurants in Beijing are gradually reopening to customers after weeks of suspension as the capital relaxed a series of epidemic control measures recently. According to an announcement by the city on Tuesday, customers can now dine in restaurants if they have a negative result of a nucleic acid test taken within 48 hours. The city's catering industrial association issued a reminder on Tuesday that all catering enterprises should strictly implement the epidemic prevention and control measures during the resumption.

随着北京最新疫情防控措施的发布,停业数周的北京餐馆逐步恢复停业。依据北京12月6日发布的最新疫情防控措施,餐饮(堂食) 须扫码并查验48小时核酸检测阴性证明。 一切餐饮企业在复工复产期间应严厉执行疫情防控措施。

北京加大药物供给 多家药店备货量成倍增加

Sales of cold medicine in Beijing have seen a surge due to the latest COVID-19 outbreak. From December 5, 400,000 boxes of "Lianhua Qingwen", a popular traditional Chinese medicine for cold will be available in Beijing on a daily basis, in particular in pharmacies in residential communities and busy supermarkets, as well as community health centers. The amount of cold medicine stocked in pharmacies in various districts increased by 2 to 5 times, and e-commerce platforms offer a booking service to meet demand. Beijing's market supervision authority said on Tuesday that business operators should not drive up prices of anti-epidemic supplies such as masks, drugs, disinfection and sterilization items.

近期北京多家药店感冒药销量激增。对此,北京市药监局表示,从12月5日起,北京市每日投放到市场的“连花清瘟”颗粒和胶囊共40万盒左右,优先面向开设在居民社区、超市内等人流密集、销售才干强的药店,以及社区卫生效劳中心供货,供给量充足,市民不用跟风囤购大量药品。多区多家药店相关担任人表示,近期感冒类常备药成交量远高于素日,药店备货量相较素日增加2倍至5倍不等。各电商平台曾经采取预订方式,消费者需求近期都能够得到满足。 北京市市场监管局发布提示劝诫书,提示运营者不得对口罩、抗病毒药品、消毒杀菌用品、相关医疗器械等防疫用品奇货可居、捏造散布涨价信息、哄抬价钱。


Beijing's Municipal Bureau of Market Regulation has set up a management system to monitor the market performance of enterprises according to credit risk classification. The market supervision department will reduce the number and frequency of random inspections of enterprises with low credit risk, and will not carry out proactive on-site inspections unless there's a need to do so. Enterprises with high credit risk will be strictly supervised with the number and frequency of inspections significantly increased.




Beijing took the national lead in establishing a 23 criteria index evaluation system monitoring expressway engineering quality. The system was implemented in 43 expressway projects, including major projects like the Beijing-Xiongan expressway. The application of new technologies such as big data, the Internet and artificial intelligence will be used to further promote industry supervision in the future.



Beijing plans to select 30 afterschool winter sports centers, in a bid to popularize winter sports among primary and secondary school students. The centers are required by education authorities to develop complete curriculums and hire coaches and first aid officers with qualification certificates. During skiing and skating trainings, there will be one coach for 10 students, and each center should have at least one first aid officer in service.



Working out at home has become a new fitness trend in Beijing during the epidemic. It took Kamal Yoga 11 months to develop an App and online courses have been very popular among its trainees since it was launched in May. Gyms have downsized their scale and introduced online courses to reduce the impact of the epidemic. A research report released by Shenyin & Wanguo Securities showed that online fitness penetration rate in China is 45.5% in 2021, much lower than 67.9% of the United States and has a great market potential. The online fitness market is expected to increase from 370 billion yuan in 2021 to 896 billion yuan in 2026.



The Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Shijingshan District has established an online platform to expand recruitment channels, so far helping more than 1,700 people find jobs. By inviting recruiters to join the platform, live streaming recruitment activities were organized in different enterprises, allowing job seekers better understand the work environment, the nature of work and compensation packages. So far, 24 live streaming recruitment activities were held, attracting over 30,000 viewers.




A standardization demonstration area for biannual grape harvest cultivation passed the national evaluation recently. Launched by Beijing Jinsu specialized cooperative in 2020, the program increased grape yield by adopting a number of technical standards, as well as selecting 12 new varieties suitable for greenhouse planting in the past three years. With 200 hectares of standardized vineyards in 5 villages, the program has benefited over 1500 farmers and helped them raise annual income up 10,000 to 20,000 yuan on average. Beijing has established 107 national agricultural standardization demonstration areas, which continuously support rural revitalization strategies.



来源:China Daily 北京青年报客户端 北京日报 新京报 北京新闻广播 北京交通广播

《感受北京 Touch Beijing》


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