“致敬经典”钢琴室内乐作品专场音乐会 A tribute to classics--- Chamber Music Concert 主讲人:隋歆 “致敬经典”钢琴室内乐作品专场音乐会,选取了从古典主义时期、浪漫主义时期到印象派,莫扎特、舒伯特、德彪西等作曲家出色的钢琴室内乐作品。室内乐作为一种精致的室内声响艺术,其作品具有明晰精妙的声部结构、丰厚细腻的力度变更、具有感染力的情感走向,作曲家将这些音乐中的对比性要素经过高超的写作手法发明出令人难忘的经典室内乐作品。同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐表演专业师生经过演绎多种作风的室内乐作品,使观众全面和深化的感受钢琴室内乐的魅力,并在音乐会中交叉对作品的解说,倡导一种更亲切的倾听方式。 演出时间: 2023年3月15日(周三)19:00 演出地点: 同济大学四平路校区1·29礼堂 节目单 1. 莫扎特 《 C大调奏鸣曲》为四手联弹而作 作品521 Mozart: Sonata for Piano 4-Hands in C Major, K. 521 第一乐章:快板 I.Allegro 演奏:王维兮、刘雨琛 2. 德彪西 《小组曲》为四手联弹而作 Claude Debussy: Petite Suite for Piano 4-Hands 第一首《小舟》 I - En Bateau 第四首《芭蕾舞曲》 IV - Ballet 演奏:田中万里江、王俊博 3. 舒伯特 《f小调幻想曲》为四手联弹而作 作品940 (20分钟) Franz Schubert: Fantasy for Piano 4-Hands in f Minor, D940 演奏:陈雅诗、蔡诗媛 ---下半场--- 4. 海顿 《G大调钢琴三重奏》Hob.XV: 25 Haydn: Piano Trio in G Major Hob. XV: 25 第一乐章 行板 I. Andante 第二乐章 稍迟缓但不迭柔板 II. Poco adagio 第三乐章 急板(吉普赛回旋曲)III. Presto 演奏:兰卉尹(钢琴)、黄显茹(小提琴)、谭亦婷(大提琴) 5. 赫佐根伯格《D大调钢琴三重奏》 Op.61 Herzogenberg: Trio for Oboe、Horn and Piano in D Major Op.61 第一乐章 小快板 Ⅰ.Allegretto 第二乐章 急板 Ⅱ.Presto 演奏:卿怡乐(钢琴)、陈梓昭(双簧管)、沈宸阳(圆号) 6. 韦伯《g小调钢琴三重奏》Op.63 Weber: Trio for Flute、Bassoon and Piano in G Minor Op.63 第一乐章 有节制的快板 I. Allegro moderato 第二乐章 生动的谐谑曲 II. Scherzo 第三乐章 牧歌 III. Schfers Klage 第四乐章 终曲 IV.Finale 演奏:隋歆(钢琴)、张瑗芮(长笛)、陈瑞婕(巴松) 演员简介 隋歆(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院教员,研讨生导师,旅德青年钢琴家。上海音乐家协会会员。毕业于中国中央音乐学院、德国柏林艺术大学钢琴专业、德国魏玛“李斯特”音乐学院室内乐专业。隋歆具有丰厚的舞台演出阅历,演出足迹提高欧洲各地,多次受德国柏林交响乐团、德国广播交响乐团约请协作中止新年音乐会巡演,取得热烈反响。她在教学过程中曾多次取得“优秀教员”奖,学生多次在国内外竞赛中获奖,并被世界知名音乐学院录取中止进修。隋歆在全国各地音乐学院开设巨匠班及讲座活动,并作为文化使者出访欧洲孔子学院,胜利举行音乐会。出版教材《钢琴室内乐作品精选集》以及发行唱片《贝多芬钢琴三重奏》、《不问西东-中外近现代室内乐作品集》。 Sui Xin,Pianist, Major Teacher of Piano in Music Department of College of Arts and Media, Tongji University, Doctor of Music, Art Director of Chamber Music, Member of Shanghai Musician Association. Sui Xin graduated from Central Conservatory of Music and Berlin University of the Arts with the Master’s Degree of Piano. She majored in chamber music at University of Music “Franz Liszt” Weimar in Germany and graduated with the Doctor’s Degree of Art. She has a great deal of stage performance experience and ever performed all over Europe. Sui Xin has repeatedly been invited by Berliner Symphoniker and German Radio Orchestra to perform with them in Chinese New Year Concert Tours which turned into huge hits. She has won “Excellent Teacher Award” for various times in her teaching career. Besides, her students have won many awards in important music competitions all over China and have been admitted to world-renowned music schools for further study. Sui gives master lessons and lectures in music schools across China. Meanwhile, she has ever visited Confucius Institutes in Europe as a cultural ambassador and gave a very successful concert there. 张瑗芮(长笛) 国度二级演奏员,上海歌剧院交响乐团长笛首席,同济大学艺术与传媒学院外聘长笛教员,上海音乐家协会会员,原广州交响乐团长笛声部代理首席,苏州大学音乐学院外聘长笛教员。毕业于瑞士苏黎世艺术学院,取得音乐表演乐队硕士和最高级别独奏家双文凭。随德国广播室内乐团在日内瓦分离国万国宫献演,在上海音乐厅、中华艺术宫等地举行个人独奏音乐会。出版发行维也纳引进版教材《长笛经典练习曲进阶曲集》两册演奏示范,与他人协作发行室内乐专辑《不问西东》、《回声》。 Zhang Yuanrui, national second-level performer, principal flute of Shanghai Opera House Symphony Orchestra, external flute teacher of Tongji University School of Art and Media, member of Shanghai Musicians Association. She was the former guest principal flute of Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and taught at the music school of Soochow University. Graduated from the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Switzerland, with a master's degree in music performance and diploma of the highest-level soloist, Yuanrui has performed with the Deutsche Radio Chamber Orchestra at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva, and held solo concerts in Shanghai Concert Hall, China Art Palace and other places. Published and distributed the two-volume performance demonstration of the textbook "Flute Classic Etude Advanced Collection"(Wiener Urtext Edition). Most recently, she cooperated with others to release chamber music albums "Music Beyond Boundary" and "Echo". 陈瑞婕(巴松) 现任上海交响乐团巴松副首席,上海市音乐家协会会员。毕业于德国莱比锡国立”门德尔松”音乐院并取得博士学位。求学期间曾获全台学生音乐竞赛巴松独奏专业组第一名、两度取得国立台湾师范大学协奏曲竞赛第一名、台湾行天宫学生音乐竞赛首奖、台北青年管乐团协奏曲竞赛首奖、2012年获法国史特拉斯堡第七届巴松国际室内乐大赛第二名并于同年又取得义大利国际奥迪莫札特大赛获奖。回国后曾任上海歌剧院巴松首席及上海大学巴松外聘教员。 Chen JuiChieh, Bassoonist, is currently the deputy chief of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Basong and Member of Shanghai Musician Association. She graduated from Hochschule für Musik und Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”,Meisterklassenexam of Bassoon Performance, equivalent to a doctoral degree in Germany. During her schooling, she won the first prize in the Bassoon Solo Professional Group of the Taiwan Student Music Competition, the first prize in the National Taiwan Normal University Concerto Competition twice, the first prize in the Taiwan Xingtian Palace Student Music Competition, the first prize in the Taipei Youth Wind Orchestra Concerto Competition, Second Prize, 7th International Strasbourg Bassoon Chamber Competition, France, 2012, and won the Fourth Prize in 6th Concorso internationale per lesecuzione dei concerti di Mozart per strumenti a fiato Sezione Fagotto, 2012. After returning to China, she served as the chief of Shanghai Opera Orchestra and the Adjunct Professor of Shanghai University. 王维兮(钢琴) 四岁起学习钢琴,师从于国度二级演员徐立教员。本科就读于上海师范大学经济学系,并同时担任校泊乐合唱团钢琴伴奏,随团参与全国演出及竞赛并取得众多奖项。2022年以文化课与专业课双第一的成果考入同济大学音乐专业,师从长江钢琴家齐欢教员。学艺路上,也曾遭到过谭盾、马友友与李明强等巨匠的认可与指导。曾取得2022巴赫国际音乐竞赛一等奖及出色技术特别奖、2022伯明翰国际音乐竞赛二等奖和2022布达佩斯多瑙河天才音乐竞赛二等奖。 Wang Weixi studied piano at the age of four and studied under the national second-class actor Xu Li. He studied economics at Shanghai Normal University as a bachelor's degree, and served as a piano accompanist for the school choir, participated in national performances and competitions with the troupe and won many awards. In 2022, he was admitted to the music major of Tongji University with the first place in cultural courses and professional courses, and studied under the teacher Qi Huan, a pianist of the Yangtze River. On the road to learning, he has also been recognized and guided by masters such as Tan Dun, Yo-Yo Ma and Li Mingqiang. He has won the first prize and outstanding technical special prize at the 2022 Bach International Music Competition, the second prize at the 2022 Birmingham International Music Competition, the second prize at the Danubia Talents International Music Competition and the third prize at the Euterpe International Music Competition. 刘雨琛(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院2021级研讨生,师从青年钢琴艺术家齐欢。本科就读于南京师范大学音乐学专业,师从赵健教授;在校期间多次取得“优秀学生奖学金”“恺撒堡奖学金”;2019年参与南师大钢琴师生音乐会;2018年参演原创歌剧《森林之歌》的编创与演出;2020在江苏省紫金竞赛中取得一等奖。2021年以文化课与专业课双第一的成果考入同济大学钢琴专业,师从长江钢琴家齐欢教员。2022年取得李斯特钢琴竞赛青年组二等奖。 Liu Yuchen, a 2021 graduate student of the College of Arts and Media of Tongji University, studied under young piano artist Qi Huan. Bachelor's degree in musicology at Nanjing Normal University, under the tutelage of Professor Zhao Jian; During the school, she won the "Excellent Student Scholarship" and " Kayserburg Scholarship" many times; In 2019, she participated in the concert of piano teachers and students of Nanjing Normal University; In 2018, she participated in the creation and performance of the original opera "Song of the Forest"; In 2020, she won the first prize in the Zijin competition in Jiangsu Province. In 2021, she was admitted to the piano major of Tongji University with the first place in cultural courses and professional courses. In 2022, she won the second prize in the youth category of the Liszt Piano Competition. 王俊博(钢琴) 五岁开端学习钢琴至今,先后师从钢琴教育家张取名教员,旅美钢琴家蔡颖教员,2019年考入同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐表演钢琴专业,师从旅德钢琴家隋歆教员。在校期间参与弗拉基米尔·维阿杜巨匠班接受指导,多次参与“星期音乐会”、“红色教育主题音乐会”、“上海之春国际音乐节”等展演活动,曾取得2021年国际青少年钢琴家竞赛中国预选赛双钢琴高级组一等奖,2022年蜂鸟音乐奖上海赛区一等奖,2022年蜂鸟音乐奖全国三等奖,2022年李斯特青少年钢琴大赛自由选曲组优秀表演奖等竞赛,多次参与校内外的演出活动。 Wang Junbo has been studying piano since she was five years old. She has studied with piano educator Ms. Zhang Huiming and American pianist Ms. Cai Ying, and in 2019 she was admitted to Tongji University's College of Arts and Media, majoring in music performance piano, under the tutelage of German pianist Ms. Sui Xin. During her school years, she participated in Vladimir Viaduct's master class and took part in the "Concert of the Week", "Red Education Theme Concert" and "Shanghai Spring International Music Festival". She has won the first prize in the advanced two-piano category of the 2021 International Young Pianists Competition in China, the first prize in the 2022 Hummingbird Music Prize in Shanghai, the third prize in the 2022 Hummingbird Music Prize in China, the excellent performance prize in the free selection category of the 2022 Liszt Young Pianists Competition, etc. She has participated in many performances inside and outside school. 田中万里江(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐表演专业2019级本科生,师从青年钢琴家齐欢。4岁开端学琴,2016年考入常盤木学園高等学校音乐系,在校期间参与KAWAI SENDAI 音乐会,日本古典音乐竞赛,日本东北青少年音乐竞赛,欧洲国际钢琴竞赛等。2018年取得欧洲国际钢琴竞赛日本赛区第四名,2019年考入同济大学艺术与传媒学院钢琴表演专业。在校期间参与李名强教授巨匠班,2021取得第八届国际青少年钢琴家竞赛上海赛区双钢琴高校组一等奖,2021取得第7届德国欧米勒上海赛区高等院校专业组三等奖,2021取得白玉兰国际音乐节钢琴竞赛高校组决赛三等奖,2022取得第七届蜂鸟音乐奖上海赛区特殊重奏专业组一等奖,全国赛区特殊重奏专业组三等奖,在校期间积极参与各项演出活动。 Marie Tanaka is a 2019 undergraduate student majoring in Music Performance at the College of Arts and Media, Tongji University. She is under the tutor of young pianist Qi Huan. She began to learn the piano at the age of 4. In 2016, she was admitted to the Music Department of Tokiwagi Gakuen High School. In 2019, she was admitted to the College of Art and Media, Tongji University. During her school years, she participated in KAWAI SENDAI Concert, Japan Classical Music Competition, Japan Tohoku Youth Music Competition, Europe International Piano Competition, etc. In 2018, she won the 4th prize in the Japan Division of the European International Piano Competition, the 1st prize of Double Piano Group of the 8th International Young Pianist Competition in Shanghai in 2021, the 3rd prize of the Professional Group of Universities of the 7th Internationaler Deutscher Irmler-Klavierwettbewerb Shanghai Competition in 2021, the 3rd prize of the final group of the University Group of BAIYULAN International Music Festival Piano Competition in 2021. In 2022, she won the 1st prize of the Special Ensemble Professional Group in the 7th Hummingbird Music Award in Shanghai and the 3rd prize of the Special Ensemble Professional Group in the National competition. She actively participated in various performance activities during university. 蔡诗媛(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐专业2022级硕士研讨生,来自福建福州,本、硕均师从同济大学艺术与传媒学院钢琴教研室主任、硕士生导师齐欢教员,曾获国度奖学金、上海市奖学金、优秀学生奖等6项不同类别奖学金,两次当选同济大学优秀学生,于2022年获评“上海市优秀毕业生”,以优秀成果推免至本校继续攻读音乐专业硕士学位。硕士就读期间,曾获法国巴黎“Grand Prize Virtuoso”国际音乐竞赛一等奖、美国查尔斯顿国际音乐竞赛第一名、英国最佳古典音乐家大奖赛(BCMA)金奖和民族作品演奏组金奖,经常生动于校内外各类演出舞台上,在“上海之春”国际音乐节、同济大学红色艺术教育季、中奥音乐论坛、愚园路“钢琴嘉年华”、星期音乐会等活动中独奏及协作演出。 Cai Shiyuan, a 2022 master's student of music in the College of Arts and Media of Tongji University, from Fuzhou, Fujian Province. She studied under the tutor of Huan Qi, the director of piano teaching and research department and master's tutor of the College of Arts and Media of Tongji University. Shiyuan was awarded six scholarships in different categories, including national scholarship, Shanghai scholarship and excellent student award, and was twice elected as an outstanding student of Tongji University. In 2022, she was awarded "Shanghai Outstanding Graduate", and she was elected to pursue her master's degree in music at Tongji University with excellent grades. During her master's studies, she won the first prize in the "Grand Prize Virtuoso" international music competition in Paris, the first prize in the Charleston International Music Competition, the gold medal in the British Best Classical Musician Awards (BCMA) and the gold medal in the ethnic works performance category. She has performed solo and collaboratively in the "Shanghai Spring" International Music Festival, Red Art Education Season in Tongji University, China-Australia Music Forum, "Piano Carnival" in Yuyuan Road, and weekly concerts. 陈雅诗(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐表演专业2022级研讨生。先后师从福州大学龙沛、廖舒文教员、同济大学王夕岚教员、张弛副教授。在校期间,多次取得优秀学生奖学金、京川奖学金,并参与阿尔伯蒂国际钢琴研讨会,得到钢琴家亨利·威贾亚博士巨匠课示范指导。2019年第六届德国欧米勒钢琴公开赛上海赛区贝多芬组特等奖。2020年第七届国际青少年钢琴家竞赛上海赛区青年组二等奖。2021年中国青少年音乐竞赛蜂鸟音乐奖全国级竞赛艺术歌曲专业组荣获一等。2021年中国青少年音乐竞赛蜂鸟音乐奖全国级竞赛特殊重奏(室内乐)F组(专业组)荣获二等奖。2021年第十四届上海国际青少年钢琴大赛全国总决赛师范院校学生组一等奖。 Chen Yashi is a 2022 graduate student majoring in music performance in Tongji University. She studied under Long Pei and Liao Shuwen from the Music Department of Fuzhou University, and under Wang Xilan, a young pianist from Tongji University. In 2021, she was recommended to Tongji University as a graduate student majoring in music performance, and studied under Associate Professor Zhang Chi. During the school days, she won many excellent student scholarships and Jingchuan scholarships. In 2019, she joined Tongji University Orchestra as a piano player. She has won the special prize of Beethoven Group in the 6th internationaler Deutscher Irmler-Klavierwettbewerbin Shanghai, the third prize of professional Youth Group in the 6th KAWAI Asian Piano Competition, the second prize of youth group in the 7th International Competition for Young Pianist in China, the first prize of national competition art song professional group and chamber music professional group in the Hummingbird Music Award in China Youth Music Competition, and the first prize of students group in normal universities in the 14th Shanghai International Youth Piano Competition. 兰卉尹(钢琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院2020级音乐表演专业,师从王夕岚教员。在校期间参与同济大学星期音乐会演出,多次取得同济大学本科优秀学生奖学金。 Lan Huiyin, student from the College of Arts & Media Tongji University, studied under teacher Wang Xilan. During the school days, she participated in Tongji University's weekly concert and get scholarships for many times. 黄显茹(小提琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院2020级音乐表演专业,师从沈婷教员。在校期间多次参与同济大学星期音乐会演出,曾在CACU国际艺术精英联盟青少年才艺大赛中取得一等奖。 Huang Xianru, student from the College of Arts & Media Tongji University, studied under Ting Shen. During the school days, she participated in Tongji University's weekly concert, and won the first prize in the youth talent plan of CACU International Art Elite League. 谭亦婷(大提琴) 同济大学艺术与传媒学院2020级音乐表演专业,师从熊照教员、梁坤教员。在校期间多次参与同济大学星期音乐会演出,曾获第六届中国青少年音乐竞赛蜂鸟音乐奖上海赛区一等奖。 Tan Yiting, a 2020 music performance major in the School of Arts and Media of Tongji University, studied under teachers Xiong Zhao and Liang Kun. She participated in the weekly concert of Tongji University for many times during the school, and won the first prize of the Hummingbird Music Award of the 6th China Youth Music Competition in Shanghai. 卿怡乐(钢琴) 同济大学19级音乐表演专业本科生,师从艺术与传媒学院副教授张弛教员。现任同济大学钢琴协会会长。曾取得2019-2020年度国度奖学金,2020-2021年度同济大学优秀学生奖学金一等奖,被评为同济大学优秀学生,在校期间曾参与“上海之春国际音乐节”“留念贝多芬诞辰250年钢琴专场音乐会”“星期音乐会”等演出。演奏所获奖项有:第七届德国欧米勒国际钢琴公开赛总决赛第四名,第13届亚洲青少年钢琴音乐节一等奖亚军,第七届蜂鸟音乐奖山东赛区一等奖,全国赛区二等奖,第四届李斯特国际青少年钢琴大赛上海赛区一等奖,第八届国际青少年钢琴家竞赛上海赛区一等奖,KAWAI亚洲钢琴大赛上海赛区二等奖,湖南钢琴公开赛金奖,长沙市三独竞赛一等奖等。 Qing Yile, a 19th grade undergraduate majoring in music performance, Tongji University, studied under Professor Zhang Chi, Associate professor of College of Art and Media. She served as the president of the Piano Club of Tongji University, won the National Scholarship of 2019-2020, the first prize of the Excellent Student Scholarship of Tongji University of 2020-2021, and was rated as an Excellent student of Tongji University. The awards she has won include the fourth place in the Final of the 7th German Eumler International Piano Open, the second place in the first prize of the 13th Asian Youth Piano Music Festival, the first prize of the 7th Hummingbird Music Award in Shandong and the second prize of the National Competition, the first prize of the 4th Liszt International Youth Piano Competition in Shanghai, the first prize of the 8th International Young Pianist Competition in Shanghai, The second prize of KAWAI Asian Piano Competition in Shanghai, etc. 陈梓昭(双簧管) 同济大学20级音乐表演专业本科生,2013年开端学习双簧管,师从魏后杞教员,2020年考入同济大学,师从孙铭红教授。在校期间参与“上海之春”同济大学管弦专业教学成果音乐会、星期音乐会、新年音乐会等演出活动。 Chen Zizhao, a Grade 20 undergraduate majoring in music performance at Tongji University, began to learn oboe in 2013 under the tuttership of Wei Houqi. In 2020, she was admitted to Tongji University under the tuttership of Professor Sun Minghong. During school, she participated in "Shanghai Spring" Tongji University Orchestra Teaching Achievement Concert, Weekly concert, New Year Concert and other performance activities. 沈宸阳(圆号) 自幼跟随前上海交响乐聚会号首席郑乃炘先生学习圆号,后考入同济大学音乐表演系,师从同济大学艺术与传媒学院音乐与表演专业圆号专业教员,管弦乐专业教研组长陈佳教员。入校后参与同济大学交响乐团音乐会演出,星期音乐会,室内乐演出,圆号巨匠班等活动。 Shen Chenyang,who studied Horn with Naixin.Zheng(the former principal of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra)since childhood,and then entered the Department of Music and Performance of Tongji University and I studied with Jia.Chen(the professional teacher of the Horn and performance in the School of Art and Media of Tongji University,and the leader of the teaching and research team of the Orchestra Major.)After the admission,I participated in the different kinds of activities and performances such as the concerts and performances of the Tongji University Symphony Orchestra,The Weekly Concert,Chamber Music and Horn Master Class and so on. 编辑丨毛苒玉焯 |