
2018-11-29 15:00| 发布者: w41541| 查看: 523| 评论: 0

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简介:  漳州哪里回收劳力士手表|二手劳力士全部套带保卡的能卖多少钱 Daytona Ref.116520無論這個系列在20世紀80年代前怎麼難以賣掉,無論這個系列只是Rolex最近些年才用到本人制造的機芯,無論這只表如何不合理的超過定價且火熱銷售十年以上,無論你多麼不了解,一只表是如何到上升到哲學意義上的“圆满境地”的,無論...  無論如何,它都是Daytona。  ...


      漳州哪里回收劳力士手表|二手劳力士全部套带保卡的能卖多少钱 Daytona Ref.116520無論這個系列在20世紀80年代前怎麼難以賣掉,無論這個系列只是Rolex最近些年才用到本人制造的機芯,無論這只表如何不合理的超過定價且火熱銷售十年以上,無論你多麼不了解,一只表是如何到上升到哲學意義上的“圆满境地”的,無論...  無論如何,它都是Daytona。 雖然只是一只鋼表,它卻是勞仔做工最精巧的鋼表。雖然只是一只計時表,它卻有讓整個瑞士制表業都無可挑剔的設計。雖然只是一只表,它卻代表了一個重要的信息,那就是,你手上戴的,是一切喜歡和不喜歡它的人都必須承認的一只好表。戴上它的你,一定夠面子。 哪怕面對幾十萬的複雜頂級品,也毫不遜色。 這就是Daytona 116520。 買到黑面的人,心中悠然自得。 買到白面的人,也不會有一絲可惜。 這就是幾乎9成勞迷都想有一只或者已經有了一只的Daytona

  Juan Pablo Montoya is a well-known multi-habitat star in the world of racing. In the rookie season, he won the famous CART Series championship; as a F1 driver, he won the Monaco Grand Prix and Silverstone Track triumphantly; in addition, he won three times the 24-hour Endurance Championship by Ditton and the Indianapolis 500 British Pound Grand Prix. Now Juan Pablo Montoya follows Spark Lee and Lanny Kravitz in creating a unique timepiece, La Montoya, with Artisans de Gene\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  漳州哪里回收劳力士手表|二手劳力士全部套带保卡的能卖多少钱The limited production of 50 watches not only illustrates Juan Pablo Montoya's personal style, but also shows the exquisite craftsmanship of Artisans de Geneve. The two sides will combine sincere enthusiasm with professional knowledge to create a unique watch with outstanding appearance and make and polish it. The watch is based on Rolex Ditton Ref. 116520 and has undergone large-scale modification to restore the idea of the legendary racing driver.

  The basic movement of this watch is Rolex Caliber 4130, which is hollowed out and matched with gray gold pendulum, which is also the symbol of Artisans de Geneve. In order to achieve this goal, each part of the machine core is removed, not only for cutting, but also for manual chamfering and finishing. It's a very tedious job that requires a lot of experience, but it's also the only way to create a perfect masterpiece. To this end, Artisans de Geneve works with Philippe Narbel, the most famous master in the field.

  漳州哪里回收劳力士手表|二手劳力士全部套带保卡的能卖多少钱Traditionally, hollow art is closely related to the more classical time, but La Montoya is far from that. Artisans de Geneve has created a tachometer ring, which is made of forged carbon. It not only gives each watch a unique appearance, but also further enhances the color matching of its sports style dial, which is faithful to the artisans de Geneve style and is completed by hand. The combination of red, blue and yellow is also a tribute to the flag of Juan Pablo Montoya's country of birth and Colombia. The dial is hollowed out to appreciate the exquisite embellishment of the core mechanism. At the same time, all the information of the accumulative timer is clear and readable. The stainless steel case and chain are sandblasted and satin embellishment, which shows the importance Artisans de Geneve attaches to details. La Montoya combines traditional craftsmanship and expertise with modern techniques to present a song of praise to legendary racing drivers, classic timepieces, and Switzerland's most exquisite craftsmanship.





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