
    2018-12-30 10:30| 发布者: w41541| 查看: 404| 评论: 0 |原作者: 13817208470

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    简介:北京手表回收|官网价格咨询 一連三品牌:精工、大精工、中堅圖片:Bert Buijsroge我不喜歡以犧牲另一個品牌為代價來贊揚一個品牌,但當談到精工和大精工時,我幾乎無法控制。當被要求在矽穀(Valley)或大精工(Grand Seiko)的瑞士知名品牌之間做出選擇時,我今天的回答與2015年前不同。2015年,我參觀了日本的大精工工廠。這是一次真正令人眼花繚亂的經曆。 ...

      北京手表回收|官网价格咨询 一連三品牌:精工、大精工、中堅圖片:Bert Buijsroge我不喜歡以犧牲另一個品牌為代價來贊揚一個品牌,但當談到精工和大精工時,我幾乎無法控制。當被要求在矽穀(Valley)或大精工(Grand Seiko)的瑞士知名品牌之間做出選擇時,我今天的回答與2015年前不同。2015年,我參觀了日本的大精工工廠。這是一次真正令人眼花繚亂的經曆。在這裏讀完整的故事。手表真的是很好的投資嗎?

      手表真的是很好的投資嗎?圖片:Bert Buijsroge很少有產品能與人們用手表建立的個人聯系相媲美。我們每天都用手表。它們是功能性的,是一種個人時尚的陳述,而且往往有一種情感價值,將它們的主人與它們聯系在一起。所有這些元素結合在一起,給人們帶來快樂和樂趣時,戴手表。在這裏讀完整的故事。從禧年到橡膠-當手鐲制作手表

      從禧年到橡膠-當手鐲制作手表圖片:Bert Buijsroge通過試驗不同的表帶材料,如皮革、橡膠和尼龍,很容易改變你的手表的外觀。一些手表樂隊甚至從表盤、表盤和表盤的陰影中走出,讓手表迷們的心跳加速。需要一個例子嗎?如果我說“總統值班”,你首先會怎么想?貝澤爾?我懷疑。  2018年你的最愛時光飛逝快速瀏覽一下你的百達翡麗年度日曆就會告訴你,新的一年就要結束了。對我們來說,這是一個充滿手表,事件,趨勢和新功能的一年。我們推出了Chrono 24手表系列,幫助您在線管理所有心愛的手表。如果您想升級,但更願意在購買之前嘗試,我們還介紹了虛擬展廳今年晚些時候。撇開所有這些不說,我們的團隊創造了很多有趣的故事,視頻,前十名單,信息圖表,並追蹤最好的手表報價。是什么驅使我們?像你這樣的人,那些像我們一樣愛看手表的人。隨著2019年的臨近,我們想回顧一下你最喜歡的內容。說到數字,就沒有多少隱藏的餘地了。最受歡迎的文章是在我們網站數據的幫助下排名的,我們的Instagram帖子是根據你給他們的贊數排名的。數字從不說謊。這就是為什么您可以認為這篇文章是來自Chrono 24社區的一條消息,告訴您哪些主題不應該錯過。享受這個2018年最佳名單。我們期待著在2019年歡迎你們的到來!讓我們從最受歡迎的文章來自“24小時”雜志。十大品牌入門級手表



      北京手表回收|官网价格咨询Your Favorites of 2018How time flies! A quick glance at your Patek Philippe annual calendar will tell you that another year is almost over. For us, it’s been a year packed with watches, events, trends, and new features. We launched the Chrono24 Watch Collection to help you manage all your beloved timepieces online. If you’re looking to upgrade but prefer to try it before you buy it, we also introduced the Virtual Showroom late this year. All of that aside, our team’s had a lot of fun creating stories, videos, Top 10 lists, infographics, and tracking down the best watch offers. What drives us? It’s people like you, people who love watches as much as we do.As 2019 approaches, we want to take a look back at the content you enjoyed the most. When it comes to the numbers, there’s not much room to hide. The most popular articles are ranked with the help of our website data, and our Instagram posts have been ranked according to the number of likes you gave them. Numbers never lie. That’s why you can consider this article a message from the Chrono24 community, telling you which topics should not be missed.Enjoy this Best of 2018 list. We look forward to welcoming you all back in 2019!Let’s start with the most popular articles from the Chrono24 Magazine.Entry-Level Watches from Top 10 Brands

      Entry-Level Watches from Top 10 BrandsThe appeal of luxury watch brands has a lot to do with their image of wealth and exclusivity. There are many misconceptions surrounding the prices of brand-name watches because the watches that garner the most attention often aren’t entry-level models. That’s why we put together a list of the most affordable mechanical watches from the top 10 luxury watch brands.Read the full story here.What Watch to Wear to a Royal Wedding, the Office, and Every Occasion in Between

      What watch to wear to a royal wedding, the office…Do you know what watch you would’ve worn to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding? What about the watch to wear to an underground electronic party in Berlin? As every new generation looks to define their own style, the classic rules on how to dress also continue to change.Read the full story here.One Company, Three Brands: Seiko, Grand Seiko, Credor

      One Company, Three Brands: Seiko, Grand Seiko, CredorImage: Bert BuijsroggeI don’t like when praising one brand comes at the cost of another, but I almost can’t help it when it comes to Seiko and Grand Seiko. When asked to choose between a famous Swiss brand from the Valley or Grand Seiko, my answer is different today than it would have been before 2015. In 2015, I visited the Grand Seiko factories in Japan. It was a truly eye-opening experience.Read the full story here.Are Watches really a good investment?

      Are Watches really a good investment?Image: Bert BuijsroggeFew products can rival the personal connections people make with watches. We use watches every day. They are functional, a personal fashion statement, and often have an emotional value that bonds their owner to them. All those elements combine to bring people pleasure and enjoyment when wearing a watch.Read the full story here.From Jubilee to Rubber – When the Bracelet Makes the Watch

      From Jubilee to Rubber – When the Bracelet Makes the WatchImage: Bert BuijsroggeIt’s easy to change the look of your timepiece by experimenting with different band materials like leather, rubber, and nylon. Some watch bands have even managed to step out from behind the shadow of dials, bezels, and cases to send watch fans’ hearts racing. Need an example? If I say “President watch”, what do you think of first? The bezel? I doubt it.Read the full story here.We’re also on Instagram, of course – These were our most liked #wristshots of the year!Speedmaster Dark Side of the Moon Apollo 8

      Monday is over 😎Only four days to go until the weekend. What are you wearing for the first day of the week?A post shared by Chrono24 (@chrono24) on Jun 18, 2018 at 9:27am PDTThen there’s YouTube. Our unboxing series, manufacturer visits, and comparisons of iconic watches are the most popular videos on our channel.Chrono24 Unboxing – Breitling Navitimer 01The legendary Navitimer debuted 65 years ago. Since then, it has enjoyed its status as one of the most iconic watches. With the Navitimer 01, Breitling introduced their first fully in-house movement, the Breitling Caliber 01. In our latest series, we take a closer look at some of this year’s new releases, as well as a couple of interesting, iconic timepieces.Chrono24 Visits – Sellita | Swiss Watch Movement ManufactureSellita is the second largest Swiss movement manufacturer after ETA. They are also 100% Swiss owned. Their sole owner is also the company’s CEO: Mr. Miguel Garcia. Chrono24 traveled to La-Chaux-de-Fonds to meet with Mr. Garcia and Mr. Sébastien Chaulmontet, Head of Innovation and Marketing.Chrono24 Compares – Patek Philippe Nautilus vs. Audemars Piguet Royal OakThe Patek Philippe Nautilus and Audemars Piguet Royal Oak – Chrono24 compares these two icons, both of which were designed in the 1970s by the legendary Gérald Genta. Some 40 years later, these two timepieces remain among the most often compared in the entire industry. That being the case, we asked our colleagues at Chrono24’s headquarters in Karlsruhe, Germany to tell us what they think about these two watch giants.Last but not least, we released the Chrono24 Watch Collection and the Virtual Showroom. You should definitely check out both features.Virtual Showroom – A New and Revolutionary Watch-Shopping Experience

      Virtual Showroom – A New and Revolutionary Watch-Shopping ExperienceA few first-mover companies have designed innovative AR tools where users can easily preview how clothes, glasses, make-up, or even furniture will look on them or in their living spaces. Some watch brands have also experimented with different versions of augmented reality. Chrono24 has joined these companies. Since convenience is such an important aspect of a luxurious shopping experience, we’ve developed the Virtual Showroom.Read the full story here and make sure to check out Virtual Showroom.A New Tool for Watch Enthusiasts – The Watch Collection

      北京手表回收|官网价格咨询Watch CollectionImagine your collection of watches. Your favorite pieces are likely sitting in a watch box or somewhere more secure but even less accessible, like a safe. You probably know the technical details of every watch like the back of your hand and can still remember when and where you purchased them. But do you know the current market value of your collection or how it has developed over time? Do you know which of your watches has appreciated in value since you bought it?Read the full story here and start your Watch Collection.





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